Sunday, August 13, 2017

Apple products and designs that were a failure

When we talk about Apple - which has already beaten a new stock market record and is close to reaching a trillion dollars in stock market valuation - we think that success has always been part of its history. The beginnings are not easy and in technology it costs a lot to get up and it costs, if it fits more, to stay in the high. At Apple, there have been huge failures of products that led to the design of many others that are now a success.And of that I am going to speak to you today, of products that failed in Apple and some designs that perhaps should have stayed in the notebook of ideas.

Apple Products That Failed


It was the year 1987 when Apple decided to develop this PDA and in 1993 began to be commercialized. His insides worked with the Newton operating system . He had handwriting recognition, text editing with gestures, and turned your drawings into perfect polygonal shapes.
For the time was something "of the future" and today those qualities can be seen in almost any smartphone. It seems that in those years was not something that attracted much attention to the user and, despite evolving the product, in 1998 had to end the MessagePad.

Apple eMate 300

In 1997, not content with the failure of the MessagePad, Apple decides to present another PDA: eMate 300. Based on the same Newton operating system and marketed exclusively in the educational field. It was a midpoint between a PDA and a laptop.
By its design we could say that was the precursor of the first iBooks. Although it had a breaker design with a translucent shell and a dark green keyboard, it also did not pop in users. In 1998, coinciding with the end of the Newton operating system , Apple decided to stop making it.


In 1993 Apple together with Philips decided to make a jump in the CD readers. With the PowerCD appeared a reader capable of using a great variety of file types such as data, audio and images. It included a remote control and SCSI interface to connect to any computer or stereo.
Even speakers could be coupled and made totally independent, something that conceived more advantages against what there was in the market. On this occasion, the users turned their back on him ... Perhaps it was another product too advanced for the time.

Apple Hockey Puck

This mouse is considered as the turning point of Apple for the design of its peripherals.It was launched with the first generation of the iMac and had a round shape. It was said to be a resultant and original device - though I think it was appalling - but of extreme discomfort to its use.

IPod Socks

This ... I would not know how to call it ... In 2004 Apple decided to join the fashion of the socks to store our mobiles and released for sale their own colorful socks for the iPod.Despite being in the market until 2012 passed with more shame than glory for the users.

Power Mac G4 Cube

In the year 2000, Apple wanted to surprise us with a pretty design and compact.Designed by Jonathan Ive , he intended to fill a gap between the iMac G3 and the Power Mac G4. It had a CD recorder - the discs were loaded from an upper slot - DVD player, sound through an external USB amplifier, a pair of Harman Kardon speakers and two FireWire ports.
It did not have fans, it was cooled by natural convection, which used to cause a warming than usual. Everything was pointing to a resounding success until its price was announced: $ 1,599 for the standard version and $ 1,799 for the top model . To this, of course, we had to add the price of a monitor ... And all this at that time would make us see "cheap" the price of current iMac.

IPod HiFi

In 2006, despite the success of the iPod, to present an elegant design and to be developed by Bose, the iPod HiFi failed to meet the demands of sound that people expected. This and its high price were the culprits that disappeared in 2007.

Macintosh TV

It was 1993 when Apple decided to make a mix between television and computer, again a futuristic bet for the time in which it was. On the outside it looked like a Macintosh LC 500 in black. Its entrails contained a Macintosh Performa 520 and had a screen CRT Trinitron of 14 "of Sony.
Once again, its failure was closely linked to its high price. Although it also influenced the users that could not use the TV and the computer at the same time. Perhaps if that had been possible the price could have been relegated to the background.


Surely more than once you have heard the rumor that Apple intends to take out a console. Surely the combination of hardware and software would produce a real brown beast. Perhaps that will never come and Apple has scarce of its failed attempt in 1995.That console was called Apple Pippin and was designed and marketed by Apple, although it was not an own product, but to license.
Bandai was the only one who tried his luck and went straight. And we return to the main issue of Apple's failures ... The price of $ 599 was too high for a console. To that we add that the market was already dominated by Sony Playstation and Nintendo 64.

Apple III

Possibly this is the first failure of Apple. It was the year 1980 when Apple released its Apple III, successor of the Apple II and with much more power than this one. The production of the Apple III was full of problems from the beginning. In fact, it was released a year later than expected due to excessive warming of its plates by a poor dissipation.
Although the price was "in the mean" for $ 3,495 , the problems derived from its production provoked reticence to the public and was not well received. In 1983, in a last attempt, Apple released the Apple III Plus that was more powerful and cheaper - $ 3,000- but it did not help, it was late .... On April 24, 1984 Apple stopped producing it.

Macintosh Portable

In 1989 Apple decided to make the leap to portability with a Macintosh Portable. A device with a strange aesthetic but that turned the definition of mouse using a scroll wheel. In addition this wheel was mobile, could be located to both sides of the keyboard.Another highlight was its active matrix LCD screen which offered a brightness very similar to that of a desktop Mac.
Once again we have to talk about its price ... It was a whopping $ 6,500 , something quite out of the reach of the average consumer. To that we added an excessive thickness and that was extremely heavy, we speak of 7.2 kilograms for a portable device. All this set of calamities made it happen with more sorrow than glory for the market.

Apple Lisa

Sure if you have read about Apple or seen some Jobs movie will sound and much Lisa.The project began in 1978 with Steve Jobs himself , although four years later he was forced to leave the project. In 1983 you could see the first model, at a price, hold tight, $ 9,995 .
It was named Lisa by the acronym LISA: Local Integrated Software Achitecture .Although in that same year was born the first daughter of Jobs whom they called Lisa ... Would the name of the computer be the name of your daughter or the name of your daughter the computer?
The failure, as you have guessed, was at the very high price of the device, especially when compared to the competition of that time: IBM PC.

Apple designs that should never have seen the light

As they say: for tastes the colors. Many of these designs may seem very appealing to you and you do not agree that they are horrible, but popular voting rules and the market gave its verdict. Let's go over the three best known, sure to sound all of you.

Cases for iPhone

Knowing Apple and knowing his obsession with perfection I still think how it is possible that this would hit the market. Apple wanted to sell next to the iPhone 5c a "fun" colored cases. Everything would have gone well if it were not for someone to come up with holes in the "three-in-a-row" style that completely destroyed the design of the case.
And not to be left behind, with the output of the iPhone 6 Apple decided to get their first Smart Battery Case . A case with battery for more autonomy in your device is a good idea, but when its design includes a totally anti-aesthetic "hump" is loaded all the goodness of it.Must Read:how to fix iPhone 1970

Mac Pro

A powerful computer for the most demanding users that saw the light in 2013 and with which Apple intended to reach all consumers. Maybe the power obsession made them leave their design aside and that's why the Mac Pro looks like the typical aluminum bin you find in any office.

Iphone 6

This is perhaps the most sounded of all . I played change of number and design. They raised the inches of the devices and with them the fragility of the devices. Both the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus doubled more easily than expected, filling youtube videos talking about the "bendgate" which is how it was called this phenomenon.
Although in my case I had the iPhone 6 and at no time suffered any twist that left visible marks. Nor did it happen to my friends with the iPhone 6 Plus. Be that as it may, Apple had to study the design of the device before launching it.
Possibly I leave some other failure or design by the way, if you know more do not hesitate to say it in the comments.

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